Monday, March 16, 2009

Carlo Arellano's "Character & Creatures" Workshop this weekend~!!

Here is one of Carlo's new sketch posted on his blog site:
To see more, you can visit Carlo's website at .

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to send you a quick update on the event coming up at Concept Design Academy this weekend:

Carlo Arellano’s 2 day “Character & Creature Design” workshop on March 21st and 28th

The workshop will be from 2 ~7PM and Carlo is one of our best instructors in teaching solid design and functionality for both characters and environments.

As of today, we still have a few spaces available. So, sign up soon as the space is limited.

To sign up, please RSVP by e-mail and we will send you the confirmation and payment instructions shortly over e-mail.

Thanks again for your time and keep in touch!!



(*** Update: Here is one of Carlo's Demos from the class. Enjoy~!! ***)

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