Friday, May 1, 2009

CDA Summer 2009 enrollment starts today~!!

Hi Everyone,

Our new summer schedule is released today and it is ready for enrollment.

The full brochure is still under works and should be updated on the website during the next week.

In the meantime, to find information about the class schedule and prices you can visit here:

For class descriptions and artworks you can visit here:
Class Descriptions

For enrollment instructions and school policy you can visit here:
Enrollment Form and School Policy

Due to the large e-mail volume we receive on the first two weeks, please allow us 2~3 days to get back to you with a reservation confirmation. Please do not send any payments or until you have receive an availability confirmation e-mail and payment instruction from us.

Thanks again for your time and hope to see you next term :)

Kevin Chen
Concept Design Academy

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