Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fall Special Workshop at LCAD~!!

Hi Everyone,

It is Fall again and we are visiting Laguna College of Art + Design for our annual group workshop (2 days, 4 instructors).

Date - Sept 26th & 27th
Time - 10 AM ~ 5PM
Price - $240 (lunch included)

If you haven't attended our Fall Special Workshop before, it is a tasting menu of the best classes that CDA has to offer.

Learn how to create believable designs that the viewers can relate to. Learn how various artists of different discipline approach their designs to keep their ideas fresh.

Sign up soon as the spaces are very limited.

Enrollment will start on Sept. 1st along with the rest of the Fall term classes.

Thanks for your time and hope to see you there~!!


(***Update - Here are the photos from the workshop. Enjoy~!!)

Carlo Arellano - Vehicle & Mechs

Nathan Fowkes - Composition for Visual Development

Eric Canete - Dynamic Cover Illustration

James Paick - Digital Painting for Environment

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