Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Creature Design" with Jerad Marantz

Hi Everyone,

Jerad Marantz is the lead concept artist at Aaron Sims Studio. His recent film projects include “I am Legend”, “Clash of the Titans”, “Green Lantern”, & “Suckerpunch”.

This class focuses on the design & creation process used in a life action film and game production. Topics such as anatomy, thumbnails, posing, digital painting, photo manipulation are covered in the many in class demostrations.

Don’t miss out on this great class as spaces are filling up soon.

For more of Jerad’s artworks, please visit his site at

To sign up, please e-mail us at

Thanks for your time and hope to see you in class :)


Kevin Chen

PS – here are some more samples of Jerad’s recent works. Enjoy~!!

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