Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CDA Live Demos at Bluecanvas Launch Event~!!

Hi Everyone,

This Thursday (Oct. 13), Radford Sechrist and Kevin Chen will be doing live demos at the Bluecanvas live event from 6~11PM. This is a free event in junction with the LA Art Walk in Downtown Los Angeles. For more information, visit Bluecanvas website for event details:

Hope to see you there~!!

(Update - Bellow are the photos from the event. Enjoy~!!)

Second floor - Live demo room:

Our Models for the event, Tiffany & Larva:

Rad doing some great story sketches inspired by the poses:

Kevin's figure quick sketches:

Artworks displays from the 1st floor art gallery:

Thanks to everyone that came by and hope you all had a great time~!! :)

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