Saturday, September 1, 2012

2 Day Concept Design Workshop at Laguna College of Art + Design

Laguna College of Art + Design have invited CDA back for another 2 day group workshop on Sept 22 & 23 at their main campus.

If you haven't gone to our past LCAD events, it is basically a tasting menu of the best CDA have to offer in 2 intense days of sharing and learning.

There will be 5 demos in total ranging from costume, creature, model kit bash, tech, and environment design.

Strongly recommend for beginning students to use the opportunity to find out more and research about the industry and what you need to learn to better prepare you for the job. Due to the relatively smaller size for the event, it is easy to meet and ask questions during the event.

For seasoned professionals, it is a great opportunity to meet other professionals and learn new workflow and ideas. (Plus, you don't have to drive all the way up to LA. We are coming to you)

Space is very limited, so sign up soon~!!

Hope to see you there :)

Kevin Chen

PS - Here are some step by step demo images from Jaime's last workshop. Enjoy~!!

1 comment:

  1. You absolutely HAVE TO record it on video and sell it online for all of us across the ocean:)


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