Monday, June 18, 2018

Last Chance for Sign up - "Costumed Gesture Drawing" with Kirk Shinmoto~!!!

Hi Everyone,

Today is the last chance for sign up for "Costumed Gesture Drawing" with Kirk Shinmoto~!!! (only 2 seats left)
This is a great class for anyone who wish to learn more about character posing and how to draw clothing and folds on top of characters in motion. This class will study from both life models and from various animation production model sheets to learn how they design and simplify gesture and drapery for animation. A highly recommended class for anyone new to character design or wish to learn how to draw characters better as a storyboard artist or revisionist.
For samples of Kirk Shinmoto’s work, please visit his blog page at

Today is the last day to enroll as the class starts on Monday, 7:30PM. Sign up soon and hope to see you tonight~!!

(*** Tuition will be prorated for the first class missed due to late enrollment. Prorate refund will be processed after the enrollment is complete through our online enrollment store. ***)

Kevin Chen
Concept Design Academy

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