Thursday, August 9, 2018

"Concepts for Game & Film Development" with Vance Kovacs this Saturday~!!!

Hi Everyone,

How are you?

Just want to send a reminder that Vance Kovac's "Concepts for Game & Film Development" is coming up this Saturday, Aug, 11th, 2PM ~ 7PM at CDA~!!!

In this workshop, Vance will be going over how to create strong mood & composition in your design by starting with visual abstractions. With that abstraction, he will then gives the design structure, so the abstract feel of the design will be translated into the subject, may it be a character, creature, environment or prop design.

Being fluent in both 2D & 3D software, Vance will be showing his working process using both tools to create complex, powerful images efficiently for a fast production environment.

To see some samples of Vance's past work, please visit his Artstation & Instagram page at:
This is a great workshop for both beginning and intermediate artists alike to learn and expand on their knowledge in creating strong mood and storytelling elements into their visual designs.

Space is very limited, sign up soon and hope to see you this Saturday~!!

Kevin Chen
Concept Design Academy

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