Monday, April 15, 2019

"Anatomy Lessons from the Masters" with Marshall Vandruff on April 20th~!!!

*** CDA April Special Guest Workshop Announcement ***

Hi Everyone,

I got good new~! Marshall Vandruff is coming to CDA to teach a workshop on "Anatomy Lessons from the Masters" on Apr. 20th (Sat.), 2pm~5pm~!!

Marshall is one of the top instructors in the Los Angeles area whom has been training artists in various studios including Blizzard Entertainment, Rockstar Games, Insomniac Games, and Black Isle Studios. Marshall's teachings have greatly influenced many well known artists such as Justin Sweet, Vance Kovacs, and Chris Appelhans along with many of our instructors at CDA.

In this workshop, Marshall will be sharing with us over 200 slides to demonstrate and break down the process of how great masters used anatomy to help them in creating realistic figures out of their imagination.

Marshall's ability to clearly communicate complicated topics in an easy to understand manner is second to none. Come join us this Saturday to learn from one of the best teachers on the subject.
Space is limited, sign up soon~!

Concept Design Academy

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