Friday, May 28, 2021

Only 6 Spots Left - "Vis Com 1: Dynamic Sketching" with Patrick Ballesteros~!!

Only 6 spots left for "Vis Com 1: Dynamic Sketching" with Patrick Ballesteros~!!!

In this class, the students will learn how to freehand draw solid geometric forms, efficient texture indication techniques, plants, animals, insect, to planes and tanks.

The goal is to show students how any complex objects can be simplified into its most basic geometry and be reassembled in any perspective on your drawing. Through drawing a wide variety of subjects, the students will see how the same drawing process can be applied to anything you want to draw.

Through the weekly lectures, feedback and HW drawings, the students will build the skill, drawing mileage and confidence that will serve as the bed rock of their visual communication skills as a concept or storyboard artist.

Space is limited, sign up soon and come draw with us this Summer~!!

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