Saturday, January 7, 2023

Spring 2023 Enrollment Status (Updated 3/1/23 at 11:00PM PST)


- None -


Analytical Figure Drawing (SUN In Person) with Kevin Chen - Full

Analytical Figure Drawing
 (TUE Online)
 with Kevin Chen 
- Full

Architecture for World Building (In Person) with Gabriel Yeganyan - Locked

Background Design for Animation with Khang Le - Full

Blender for Concept Design (Online) with Nicholas Schumaker - Full

Characters Design for Games (Online) with Alex Chen - Locked

Cinematic Storyboard (In Person) with Jay Oliva - Locked

Color Key Design for Animation (Online) with Mike Hernandez - Full

Costume Figure Painting (In Person) with Dan & Christina Cooper
 - Locked

Fashion, Costume & Drapery (In Person) with Gregory Weir-Quiton - Locked

Figure Invention for Animation (Online) with Peter Yong 
- Locked

Head & Figure Drawing (Online) with Kevin Chen - Full

Intro to Character Design (Online) with Kevin Chen & Joshua James Shaw 
- Full

Intro to Color (Online) with Shae Shatz - Full

Intro to Figure Drawing (Online) with Edward Chang 
- Locked

Intro to  Storyboard (In Person) with Ashe Jacobson - Full

Intro to Story Development (Onlinewith Max Perkins - Locked

Key Frame Illustration (Online) with Alex Mandradjiev - Locked

Perspective & Cinematography (Online) with Mike Hernandez - Full

Sketching for Environment (In Person) with Ed Li - Full

Storyboard for TV Animation (Online) with Trey Buongiorno - Full 

Vehicle & Mechs (In Person) with John Frye - Cancelled

Vis Com 1: Dynamic Sketching (SAT Online) with Patrick Ballesteros - Full

Vis Com 1: Dynamic Sketchin
g (SAT In Person)
 with Andrew Cano 
- Locked

(*** For all Full classes or workshops, there is a waiting list available. Sign up if you wish to be notified when there are any last minute openings from cancellations. Thanks. ***)

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