Tuesday, October 1, 2019

*** Special Discount - "Intro to Digital Painting" with Sherwin Abesamis~!!! ***

Hi Everyone,

Sherwin Abesamis's "Intro to Digital Painting" class is starting up at CDA tonight~!!!

This painting class is designed to teach students how to paint, understand materials, color and digital painting workflows for production through the use of Photoshop.

This is a must take class for any students before they get into our design classes so they can learn their basic painting workflow.

*** Special Offer: If you enroll tonight on Oct. 1st, the first class will be free ($80 refund). If you sign up after the first class, the tuition will be prorated for the first class missed. ***

So sign up soon and take advantage of this special offer~!!

Concept Design Academy

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